Sunday, May 24, 2009

Too Much Testing?

I recently heard this question:

"Is too much focus on testing benefits a bad thing overall?"

TDD done well can improve readability. TDD done poorly, that is without consideration of other important principles, can reduce readability.

A guy I worked with in the mid-90s would say "You can always make a system more flexible by adding a layer of indirection. You can always make a system simpler by removing a layer of indirection." Both flexibility and simplicity are important qualities of a system. The two principles can often live together in harmony, but often they work against each other. If you go too far towards one extreme or the other, you move away from the ideal that exists where these two principles are balanced.

TDD is partly about testing, partly about design. TDD done poorly can tend too much towards either flexibility or simplicity. It can push towards too much flexibility. The objects become more testable, and often simpler, but the inherent complexity of the domain problem then is pushed out of the objects into the interaction of the objects. We gained flexibility, and to the naïve eye, it can look as though we've gained simplicity because our objects are simpler. The complexity, however, is still there. It's moved out of the objects, and into the object interaction, where it's harder to control. There are code smells that can act as red flags here - a system with hundreds of small objects and no larger objects is one, lots of objects with only one-line methods is another.

TDD done poorly can move in the other direction as well, that is, towards too much simplicity. So, we do TDD by writing the test first, but it has little impact on our design. We still have long methods and huge objects, and those are code smells that can red-flag this problem.

Now TDD will not by its nature knock you off-balance in either direction, provided it's well-applied. Use other practices to keep you on track. For example, draw pictures of what you're doing before you do it. Obviously, not all the time. Some things are far too simple for that. Some pictures are worth saving, some are just sketches that help us to visualize the problem, and we are, by varying degrees, mostly visual learners. If you can't draw a picture of the problem, you don't understand it.

How will this help with TDD? It will help to keep a system from going too far on the flexibility side, away from the simplicity side. If you draw a picture and it's ugly, that's a red flag. Sometimes it's necessary, but often when you draw the picture, your mind will quickly see things that can be simplified. The solution becomes more elegant and simplified, easier to maintain, and more enjoyable to work on. If you can't or won't draw pictures of your system, you're losing this opportunity to make your software more solid, more elegant, more beautiful to see and easier to maintain.

Applying this comes with experience, and some coders will never understand the value that a good balance provides. There's no metric that you can run that tells you you're in the right place. If someone gives you a prescribed method to arrive at that harmonious point, he's lying to you. More importantly, he's probably lying to himself without realizing it.

So, my answer to his question is 'yes': test everything without forgetting the other good principles.

Any good practice will throw you off-course if it's not balanced with other good practices.

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